Speech Hotline:
(800) 950-6893

I’ve been featured twice on National Public Radio.

Click on the headline to listen.


After ‘I Do” Comes the Hard Part: The Wedding Speech

(scroll down to the headline “After “I Do…”)

“Giving a wedding toast is a whole lot of pressure. How do you encapsulate what the person getting married means to you in (hopefully) less than ten minutes? How do you do justice to the beautiful couple?

And how on earth do you gracefully map the arc of their relationship while keeping the audience in the palm of your hand?

These questions have sent many wedding speakers into an anxiety spiral as they stare at their blank screen, hoping in vain for the wedding fairy to provide some inspiration.”


Tips For Writing Better Wedding Toasts -- From a Pro

“It can strike fear into the hearts of the best groomsmen, maids of honor, fathers and mothers of the bride: the dreaded wedding toast. But what if you could hire someone to write the toast for you?

Den Pope does just that. He’s a professional wedding toast writer.”