Why Hiring a Best Man Speech Writer is a Fantastic Idea


New clients often mention how cluttered the online speechwriting world is and how difficult it is to find a reputable writer with a proven track record.

It’s true. Like any industry, the speechwriting world is filled with charlatans. So much so that I wrote an article last year titled, “How to Find a Legitimate, Talented and Kickass Wedding Speechwriter in the Internet Wild West,” which has viewed more than half a million times. The article covers everything from how to judge writing quality to how to spot fake customer reviews.

So it was no surprise when a client mentioned the other day they had come across a UK-based speech site trying to attract clients with an article headlined, “Why Hiring a Best Man Speech Writer is a Terrible Idea.”

This is so silly and wrongheaded that I had to see it for myself. That’s when I discovered it’s a website that sells speech templates. Ah, of course! Now it all makes sense.

Talented speechwriters and fresh, original content are the enemies of “insert-groom-name-here” speech templates, which are generic and designed to be “one-size-fits-all.”

The only reason someone sells a generic template and discourages original speechwriting is because they can’t write an original speech. Period.

I’ve been down this road before with peddlers of $29.99 speech templates. So many times, in fact, that I wrote a piece titled, “The Death Knell of Wedding Speech Templates.”

Here’s a related article, “Beware of Clunker Wedding Speeches and Advice on Google and YouTube.”

Most important, see the client reviews below. You won’t get standing ovations and compliments like these with fill-in-the-blank speech templates. You’ll get eye rolls and impatient sighs.

A great speechwriter clarifies the years of thoughts, memories, feelings and experiences you have in your heart and head about the bride and groom. And the speechwriter then pulls out the essentials for your speech.

Like a journalist, the best speechwriters also capture your values, character, personality and voice in the speech. The result is a speech that is fun, warm, original and above all, authentic. It’s All You (and more).